Dragonflies and Damselflies (Odonata) are a fairly large group of aquatic insects. There are two major subgroups, Anisoptera (Dragonflies) and Zygoptera (Damselflies); see pictures below to distinguish between these subgroups. There are 7 families of Dragonflies and 3 families of Damselflies in Ohio. One hundred and sixty four species of Odonata have been recorded from Ohio, as of 2014. The newest one "the Swift Setwing" (Dythemis velox, Libellulidae) was recently seen in Champaign Co., at Cedar Bog. It is a species more commonly found in the the southern U.S. that is now moving north. See the Ohio Odonata Society webpage (www.marietta.edu/~odonata/) for an atlas and updates on new sitings. Also see The Dragonflies and Damselflies of Ohio by Glotzhober and McShaffrey (eds).

The present webpage is focusing on the larval stages of Ohio Odonata. For information and keys to the adults see the two references cited above.

This webpage is currently under construction: Keys are complete to the level of Ohio EPA or beyond, but are not completely illustrated. Taxanomic key for the dragonfly Petaluridae, Tachopteryx thoreyi, which is not reported by OEPA, is included.

Damselfly Larva


Photo credits: Paul Swarmer

Dragonfly Larva


This webpage is created and maintained by Don Dean, Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry and Entomology, The Ohio State University. Please contact me with comments, questions about "Stoneflies of Ohio" or to report new findings. troutman4209@gmail.edu
Dragonflies and Damselflies of Ohio